The first Monday in November redefines opportunity in the career world. It’s Job Action Day!

Whether you currently employed and contemplating a career move, unemployed or just curious about the current job market, Job Action Day is for you.  Get the tools and resources to master a new job search and land the career of your dreams!  Or, maybe learn how to make the job you have into your dream job.  Whichever path you are on, Job Action Day is about exploring the different opportunities available, maybe even ones you didn’t know were there.


Visit LiveCareer to find out more and find events near you. Use #JobActionDay to share on social media.


Job Action Day was founded by Quintcareers in 2008.


-There are over 1,500 national days. Don’t miss a single one. Celebrate Every Day with National Day Calendar!

By Shannon Hargrove
Shannon Hargrove Director, Career Education & Operations