You are a hardworking Mercy student who lost their job when the pandemic hit last March. That is a very hard blow to recover from. And maybe, despite your best efforts, the universe has not permitted your re-entry into the workforce. We absolutely sympathize. Know that the Career Team is here to help you work through it! While not having a job is never good news, know that gaps in employment are normal for these tough times. Chances are, employers will show understanding for your situation. However, this doesn’t mean job-less intervals on your resume should go without explanation. Address your lack of work in your cover letters; be prepared with an explanation in interviews. Honesty is the best policy. Your persistence and strong resolve to overcome challenges – a key quality employers seek – will help you get back out there. Keep chugging along. And before you know it, you’ll land your next job! Find out more about explaining gaps in employment from this Industrial/Organizational Psychologist: