Welcome Third Year Students!
You are halfway through college so it is time to begin taking action and implement your career preparation plan.
Follow these suggestions to make sure you are on the right track:
Update Handshake
Update your Handshake profile. You will want to be as accurate as you can to stay in the loop on appropriate career and internship events and opportunities.
Polish Your Resume
Since you will be competing against other candidates for valuable internship positions, now is the time to polish your resume. Add any college activities, including leadership roles and community service, you have been involved in. Upload your revised resume into Handshake.
Practice Interviewing
Whether you are preparing for a potential internship or are looking to get an early jump on job interviews, conducting a mock interview is a great way to get yourself prepared. Big Interview has a virtual Mock Interview tool you can use to practice interviewing virtually. You can also contact Career and Professional Development to schedule a Mock Interview with a Career Coach.
Continue to Focus on Your Studies and Grades
Now that you are in your third year, your focus should be on courses in your field of study and aiming for good grades. The highly trained and courteous staff of faculty and peer tutors at the Center for Academic Excellence and Innovation can provide you with the support you need to achieve academic excellence.
Attend Career Preparation Events
Attend Career Preparation Events such as Career Academy, Lunch with a Leader, Career Fairs, and more! Participating in these events teaches you career readiness with the goal of developing lifelong career management skills.
Consider Studying Abroad
Many Mercy University students choose to study abroad for a semester during their third year. International experience is a valuable opportunity to enrich your life, continue to gain an excellent education, and enhance your resume. Learn more about studying abroad from Mercy University’s Center for Global Engagement.
Look into Graduate School
If you are thinking about pursuing a graduate degree, now is the time to start researching programs. Click here to learn about the graduate programs offered at Mercy University.
Secure an Internship in Your Field of Interest
This is a great time to begin building your network of contacts and gaining professional experience in your field of interest through internships.